Practical-Magick for Women with Self-Doubt

learn to love yourself clear down to your bones!

My tagline speaks to the power of true self-love and how it can remake a person from the inside out. But of course, I know that’s not easy.

You are most likely here because you’ve got decades of emotional scars that you’ve covered over with thick defenses and work-arounds. You cover up well, and most people might not even realize the thicket of tangled up blackberry vines inside your mind.

I get it. I’ve been there!

I invite you to take a chance on yourself and break free from the old patterns that no longer serve you. Let’s untangle those vines so that you can emerge more powerful and whole than ever before. Let’s look at all the ways that you’ve bought into the “rules for women,” alchemize your pain and suffering, and reinstate your sovereignty as the beautiful woman you are. And let’s get clarity on your next steps –even if you’re not 100% sure where you’re going– so you can live a life you love to wake up to, even when life tosses you curve balls that are messy and hard.

A one-on-one coaching package is designed to bring you back to the center of your power, guide you as you ground deeply into your soul’s wisdom, and encourage you to build the bridge as you walk on it, so you can get clarity on your Soul Goals™.

Please note that this coaching relationship is a partnership. If you’re looking for someone who will promise you the moon in a day, I’m not your person. We go deep in our work together, and the things I support you with can be intricate and tangled up. They take time. They involve practicing new tools, and sometimes that feels scary and messy. I can’t do the heavy lifting for you.

But I will give you my unconditional love, support, tips and tools as we co-create the transformation you’re looking to receive. I will listen deeply, and reflect back what I hear. With your permission, I’ll help you to become aware of habits that might be in shadow. I’ll ask questions to help us both get clarity. I’ll help you get comfortable with and begin to trust being in the mystery and the practice of building the bridge as you walk on it.

What makes this coaching package unique is that we’ll apply a combination of Science and what I call Magick to help you explore your own shadows, and deeply engage with your soul, centering our sessions around the powerful mantra “love yourself clear down to your bones.”

Most of my clients start to feel more centered and at ease in their skin by the end of their first month of working with me. But don’t take my word for it. Jump on a complimentary call with me and let’s chat.

Apply for Your Strategy Call Today

Please allow 45 – 60 uninterrupted minutes.
On these calls, my intention is for you to be seen, heard, and honored regardless of whether we decide the coaching relationship is right for us now.

Take the first step!