My mission and purpose is to guide and inspire women to love themselves clear down to their bones. I accomplish this through science, soul craft and nature practices.
I believe in a world where everyone can live into their fullest potential, our planet is vibrant and teeming with life, and our marketplace values the well-being of people and all living things on our planet over financial gain and monetary wealth.
The lives of women and the Earth are linked. I believe if more women had the courage to follow their truth, own their gifts, and ground deeply into their soul’s wisdom so they could learn to love themselves clear down to their bones, and stand together in unity the world would become kinder, more hopeful and more beautiful through our actions.
To me, success means: to leave the world kinder, more hopeful and beautiful than I found it. To earn the respect of intelligent and compassionate people, the love and trust of those closest to me, and the affection of children and animals. To honor Earth and fall more deeply in love with both her ordinary and extraordinary beauty. To LIVE into all of life’s adventures –those I choose and those life flings at me– with courage, grace, compassion, humor, and my whole heart. To play often and nurture my inner magickal child.
To remember and teach that every choice I make –especially those around how I spend my time and money– is an act of power that defines my life and impacts the world.
To earn a sufficient income to support my family, nurture my dreams, and give generously to causes aligned with my soul.
To use my:
And my ever-expanding knowledge of the magick and impact of science, soul craft and nature on post traumatic growth, transformation and belonging.
My expertise in the psychosocial, physiological, and spiritual impact of emotions, and the myths, archetypes and constructs of story, language and imagination allow me to guide & inspire women to alchemize their pain and suffering, and love themselves clear down to their bones.